Monday, September 3, 2012


Rejected, but Received by Christ! September 1, 2012 Slicing his wrists my father attempted to commit suicide. The very same day, just hours later, I watched my mother do the same. In just a few days it will make 12 years since this tragic day that occurred in my life. I know my parents were not in their right state of mind when they were raising me and when this event occurred, but it has always left me with a sense of rejection. I have felt unloved and unwanted for so many years. My parents did not succeed in their suicide attempts, but this week God taught me something about this day. Though they did not die, my relationship with them ended that day. I was taken away from them and eventually put in foster care. I didn’t understand it all then and I still don’t fully understand it all now. God has shown me over the past couple of years that it was for the best. If I had not endured all that I did, He would not be able to use me in the way that He is today. He has restored my life and has given me a story of Hope and Redemption to share with others that are hurting. This time of year has always saddened me, but now the Lord allows me to look at it, acknowledge it and accept it for what it is… a part of my past, a part of my story. I recently came across a verse that I have heard and read many times. I know it is not by coincidence that the Lord brought it to me at this time. The verse is Psalm 27:10, which says, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.” How amazing it is that, that verse was written so long ago. I have faith in knowing that God knew then that this verse would comfort me today. Rejection is not an easy thing to accept, but knowing that the Lord will receive you allows us to find comfort through the pain. The Bible tells us that people will disappoint us, but God will NOT. If you have been rejected, please remember that Christ has received you!

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